As a top-rated WooCommerce agency in the UK, we create high-converting online stores that drive sales, improve user experience and grow your business. Trust us for success.
Top Rated WooCommerce Agency, UK.
Fast & Effective WooCommerce Agency
WooCommerce Website Design
Our WooCommerce experts design unique, user-friendly WooCommerce stores that drive sales and improve the shopping experience. As an ecommerce development agency, we ensure every project is built with optimal WooCommerce functionality for your business.
We’ll build a WooCommerce store that looks good and converts well for you.
WooCommerce Web Development
We are WooCommerce specialists, offering premium WooCommerce development services to customise this powerful ecommerce platform for you.
Our WooCommerce experts add custom functionality to your site so your WooCommerce store runs smoothly and efficiently. Whether you need a new feature or a complete rebuild, our WooCommerce development services are for your business goals.
Ongoing Support
As a WooCommerce development company, we look after the security and support of your e-commerce platform.
Our team keeps your WooCommerce store secure and running smoothly, so you can have peace of mind your online business is protected. From regular updates to proactive monitoring we’re here to keep your WooCommerce store intact and performing.
API Integrations
Our WooCommerce experts integrate APIs into your WooCommerce store to enhance its functionality.
We ensure your open-source ecommerce platform works with third-party apps for a seamless customer experience and to optimise your store for your business.
Plugin Development
Our WooCommerce developers build custom plugins to extend your WooCommerce projects with bespoke solutions for your business.
With our WooCommerce code expertise, we deliver plugins that integrate seamlessly and improve your store’s functionality and user experience. Get our tailored WooCommerce development solutions for your ecommerce platform to stand out.
Conversion Rate Optimisation
Get more sales with our conversion rate optimisation services, designed by our WooCommerce experts. We implement targeted strategies to make your WooCommerce store’s ecommerce functionality deliver real results and convert visitors into customers.
Client Success Stories
Dokan is a multi-vendor marketplace plugin for WooCommerce websites that allows multiple vendors to sell their products. We specialise in integrating and customising Dokan for retail and wholesale customers.
Whether you’re building a niche marketplace or a large retail site, our team will ensure Dokan is integrated and customized to your business and that all your customers have a user-friendly experience.
Get website supportYITH
YITH suite for WooCommerce has a range of plugins to enhance your ecommerce functionality, from product filters to wishlists and advanced review management. We can integrate the full suite of YITH plugins into your WooCommerce store and integrate these with your marketing automation platforms to drive conversions and customer engagement.
Get hosting hereMarketKing
MarketKing is a flexible platform that turns your WooCommerce website into a full multi-vendor marketplace. It has vendor-specific dashboards, commission management, and more. We can integrate and customise MarketKing for your WooCommerce project so it meets your business needs.
We’ll tailor this platform to provide a seamless experience for both vendors and customers, making your marketplace efficient and user-friendly.
Optimise your speedSubscriptions
Subscriptions Our WooCommerce developers can integrate subscription functionality into your WooCommerce website for recurring product purchases or membership renewals. We’ll ensure subscriptions are managed smoothly and your customers have a hassle-free experience.
We’ll customise subscription options to fit your business model, with flexible billing cycles, automatic renewals, and easy management tools to maximise revenue from repeat customers.
Get startedWhy WooCommerce
WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce platform with unlimited flexibility and scalability. Working with a dedicated WooCommerce development agency means your store is custom-built.
Our developers use WooCommerce to build bespoke solutions for your business. With robust features and integration capabilities WooCommerce is perfect for any eCommerce business, a solid foundation for growth and success.
WooCommerce Optimised Hosting
Choosing the right hosting is key to your WooCommerce store’s performance. As a WooCommerce development agency, we recommend fast, secure, and reliable hosting solutions. Our hosting solutions ensure that your store runs smoothly for your customers.
With us, you can be sure your WooCommerce site will be fast, secure and always available for your business.
Take the leap today and start building your WooCommerce site.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a WooCommerce website cost?
The cost of an eCommerce store built by WooCommerce developers depends on several factors, including products, product variations, and payment gateways. The basic setup is simple, but we can make it even better with customisations like automated abandoned cart emails and greetings for new customers.
The cost will depend on:
– Number of products – Product pages & variations – Competitor’s standard – Number of pages – Functionality for your WooCommerce site
We have written a blog post explaining the factors that determine the cost of building an eCommerce website:
Will the site be mobile responsive?
Mobile responsiveness is part of our WooCommerce development process. We design and build online stores to be optimal across all devices, adapting the layout and functionality to each device’s screen size and capabilities.
How do you handle payment gateway integration for different types of businesses?
We integrate standard payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe into eCommerce platforms. We also work with businesses in high-risk industries like the CBD sector to implement payment solutions that meet their needs and regulatory requirements.
Can you move my Shopify store to WooCommerce?
Yes, you can move your Shopify store to WooCommerce. Our team has experience migrating online stores from platforms like Shopify to WooCommerce. We can either replicate the existing design of your Shopify store in WooCommerce and keep it looking the same, or we can take this opportunity to redesign the store and ultimately give it a brand-new look.
We focus on smooth migration, functionality, user experience and design quality to the WooCommerce environment.
When should I choose a custom web design over a premium theme?
It depends on your eCommerce needs and there are some great premium themes out there for your business!
As a start-up, a premium theme might be the best option for launching your WooCommerce site first. But if you are an established online store competing with big brands, a custom-built WooCommerce platform might be more suitable.
Working with a Cude WordPress developer, we can help you decide if a premium or custom solution built on the WordPress platform is best for you.
Find out more: When Should I Choose A Bespoke WordPress Website Over Using A Premium Theme?
Can we use plugins to build the site?
A WooCommerce plugin will cover most requirements when setting up your store. As a WooCommerce agency, we have worked with most WordPress plugins. Still, for more complex functionality, our WooCommerce development team may need to add custom PHP or consider API integrations.
Can you do SEO and eCommerce Marketing for my WooCommerce site?
Yes! In addition to great web design, eCommerce brands know the importance of SEO and digital marketing services to build their online presence. Your store’s structure must be built correctly so major search engines can crawl and index it.
By conducting keyword research and competitor analysis, we can optimise your site’s key pages for search engines. This will help with your eCommerce marketing and target your audience.
As a web design and SEO agency, we also offer ongoing services to keep your eCommerce store found on Google. This includes content creation and link building for WooCommerce sites. Our SEO services will improve the website’s ranking and increase online sales.
Read about our SEO services here: Making SEO Easy To Understand
Can you host my WooCommerce site?
Yes, our development team can host your WooCommerce project. We offer many services, and the price depends on the size of your WordPress site and its traffic.
Hosting for eCommerce sites from £325 py excl VAT.
Is eCommerce and WooCommerce the same?
The short answer is ‘yes’. For example, many types of cars are available, and each car has a manufacturer (BMW, Mercedes, etc.). This is the same as eCommerce! WooCommerce is an eCommerce platform that gives you everything you need to open your store online.
Ignite Your Digital Presence
with Cude Design.
Focusing on emerging trends, we at Cude are adept at designing and developing websites that significantly improve your digital footprint.